Ranger players were questioned regarding the location of the …….

According to CEO James Bisgrove, Rangers players will have a say in where the team’s singing section would eventually be located at Ibrox.

While the Union Bears ‘Ultras’ group has long been housed near the front of the Broomloan stand, they have been trying to relocate to the Copland Road Stand, which is where they originally belonged. It is assumed that they desire to relocate to a location on the earth where they can exert more influence. Security issues caused by the Broomloan’s close proximity to away fans make moving to a different portion of the building challenging.

The section has been relocated around the stadium several times in trials to assess the mood, and the club has been speaking with any affected fans individually.

The players have also been involved in discussions regarding the next stage, demonstrating the value Bisgrove places on making sure everyone is consulted.

“We’ve requested feedback from the first team regarding the various locations of the signing section,” he stated. If the environment and connection with the fans, which make Ibrox a fortress because of the atmosphere, have an effect on them. One of our goals is to enhance and amplify that as much as we can because we’ve seen it in so many games. The outcome will matter to the participants.

“We are thinking about the singing section’s struggles recently. We’ve done four trials, I believe, and have been gathering input from all of our supporters. If the present singing area from BF1 were to be moved, we have also been gathering comments from the first team and consulting with fans in various portions of the stadium.

Even though the consultation process has been ongoing for some time, Bisgrove attempted to reassure supporters that a decision is close at hand.

We’re on schedule, he replied, and our research is moving forward in order to submit our recommendation at the upcoming board meeting. But in light of the disabled facilities that are being erected and the cantilevers in the Copeland and Broomloan Stands, we are doing that in alignment with the infrastructural developments that are happening next summer. Although the infrastructure situation is fairly complicated, we are almost done with the supporter consultation phase.


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