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Braves’ Jones, Smoltz settle ‘misunderstanding’

Brian Snitker gets ejected

One day after Jones accused Smoltz of doubting his honesty, Atlanta Braves manager Bobby Cox set up and witnessed a meeting between Smoltz and Jones on Sunday.

Jones claimed he apologized to Smoltz at the meeting, which was also attended by hitting coach Terry Pendleton.

“Clearly, there was a miscommunication,” Jones stated on Sunday. “I told him I was sorry for what I had said in the interviews yesterday. He told me he wasn’t focusing on me specifically. That concluded everything.”
Jones’ groin ailment prevented him from playing in Friday’s defeat to Detroit. “You can’t worry about who’s in the lineup and who isn’t,” Smoltz remarked following the game, after accepting the loss. You are no longer able to worry about those things. Smoltz continued, saying, “I really appreciate the work of the

Smoltz made no mention of Jones, but on Saturday, Jones stated that he believed the remarks were directed at him.

Jones remarked on Saturday, “I’d be stupid if I didn’t take it the same way.”

Smoltz described the event on Sunday as a “total misunderstanding.”
“It’s over with and there won’t be a problem the rest of the time we’re teammates,” Smoltz stated. He didn’t respond to any queries.
Following the meeting on Sunday, Cox gave a typically upbeat statement.
Cox declared, “Everything is as good as it can be.”

Chipper believed he was being singled out or something, but John had no such motive. In actuality, it was the exact reverse. He was attempting to convey to the audience the significance of having Chipper available since he plays even when he is injured.”

John Schuerholz, general manager, declared: “It’s done. It’s over, and now we go on.”

Smoltz’s remarks, along with Jones’s Saturday reply, were noteworthy in an Atlanta clubhouse that, under Cox’s direction, has continuously kept such issues out of the spotlight.
“I think we’re both a little embarrassed that it got outside this clubhouse,” Jones stated. “It shouldn’t have.”Yesterday, I certainly thought it was intended at me, but even so, I shouldn’t have talked about that.

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